
30-night Sleep Tincture

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Experience a month of uninterrupted, restful sleep with our 30-Night Sleep Tincture. Designed for 30 nights of serenity and relaxation, this CBD-rich formula ensures you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Rigorously tested for purity and safety, it’s your key to a path of dreamy nights and well-being.


Elevate Your Sleep with the 30-Night Sleep Tincture

A Dreamy Path to Serene Nights

Do you long for uninterrupted, restful sleep and dreamy nights? Our 30-Night Sleep Tincture is meticulously crafted to offer you 30 nights of serenity and deep relaxation. Dive into the details below and embark on a path to rejuvenated well-being.

Detailed Information

Content Benefits
30-Day Supply 30 nights of serene, uninterrupted sleep
CBD-Rich Formula A harmonious blend of CBD and sleep-inducing herbs
Non-Psychoactive No unwanted psychoactive effects
All-Natural Free from synthetic chemicals or additives
Lab-Tested Purity Rigorous testing ensures a safe and effective product

Key Features

  1. 30 Nights of Tranquility: Our formula is designed for 30 nights of uninterrupted and deep sleep, allowing you to awaken refreshed and rejuvenated.
  2. CBD-Rich Formula: A harmonious blend of CBD and sleep-inducing herbs promotes relaxation and calm before bedtime.
  3. Non-Psychoactive: This tincture is free from psychoactive effects, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and alert.
  4. All-Natural Ingredients: We use only the highest quality, all-natural ingredients with no synthetic chemicals or additives.
  5. Lab-Tested Purity: Rigorous testing guarantees purity, potency, and safety, ensuring a premium product for our customers.

Benefits of the 30-Night Sleep Tincture

  • 30 Nights of Serene Sleep: Enjoy a full month of peaceful, uninterrupted sleep, allowing your body and mind to rejuvenate.
  • Relaxation and Calm: The harmonious blend of CBD and sleep-inducing herbs promotes relaxation and calm before bedtime.
  • Non-Psychoactive: Wake up refreshed and alert, without the unwanted effects of psychoactive substances.
  • All-Natural Ingredients: Experience the benefits of all-natural ingredients that contribute to your overall well-being.
  • Lab-Tested Quality: Trust in a product that has been meticulously tested for your peace of mind.

How to Use

Shake well before using. Take 1ml (one dropper) of the tincture approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. Place it under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. Adjust the dosage as needed to find your optimal sleep experience.


1. Can I use this tincture if I have trouble falling asleep?

Answer: Absolutely! The 30-Night Sleep Tincture is designed to help those with sleep difficulties fall asleep more easily and stay asleep through the night.

2. Will I wake up feeling groggy?

Answer: No, this tincture is designed to provide a deep and restful sleep, and you should wake up feeling refreshed and alert.

3. Is this product safe?

Answer: Yes, our product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest standards of purity and safety.

4. Can I use it every night?

Answer: This tincture is designed for daily use, and you can use it for up to 30 nights for a complete sleep cycle.

5. How long does it take to work?

Answer: You can expect to feel the calming effects within 30 minutes to an hour after taking the tincture.

Experience a Month of Blissful Sleep

Rediscover the joy of uninterrupted, restful sleep with our 30-Night Sleep Tincture. Designed for a full month of serenity, relaxation, and well-being, this tincture ensures you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. With all-natural ingredients, rigorous testing, and a commitment to your tranquility, purchase now to embark on a journey to dreamy nights.


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