Modified Grapes


Discover the world of distinction with Modified Grapes Concentrates. An indulgent hybrid with 21% THC, a unique terpene profile, and pure bliss. Elevate your senses now!


Elevate Your Senses with Modified Grapes Concentrates

Delight in the world of distinction with Modified Grapes Concentrates. This strain is crafted for those who appreciate the unique, offering a cannabis experience like no other.

Strain Information:

Attribute Detail
Strain Type Indica-Dominant Hybrid
THC Content 21%
CBD Content 1%
Terpene Profile Myrcene, Pinene, Caryophyllene
Lineage Unknown

A Distinctive Experience:

  • Indica-Dominant Hybrid: Modified Grapes combines the best of both worlds, providing a balanced and blissful high for every occasion.
  • 21% THC Content: With a potent THC content of 21%, expect a deeply relaxing experience, perfect for unwinding and exploration.
  • Unique Terpene Symphony: Myrcene, Pinene, and Caryophyllene create a symphony of flavors and aromas, from earthy to piney.
  • Origins Shrouded in Mystery: The exact lineage may remain a secret, but the enchanting effects are known far and wide.

Why Choose this Concentrates?

By selecting Modified Grapes Concentrates, you’re embracing a distinctive hybrid strain that promises a unique sensory adventure. It’s perfect for those who seek the extraordinary.

Cherish the Now

Are you ready to embark on a distinctive cannabis journey and elevate your senses? Modified Grapes Concentrates offer the perfect blend of distinction and relaxation. Click “Buy Now” and start your extraordinary experience today!


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